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Newsflash! The Catalisti newsletter for June 2018 is out. This issue features a foreword by Catalisti's new president Wouter De Geest, testimonials by Indaver and B4Plastics, an overview of approved EFRO projects, and so much more. Read our newsletter here:, or click on the image below.

The chemical industry is the largest industrial consumer of fossil fuels in the world. Reducing the industry’s overall dependence on so-called petrochemicals to reduce the greenhouse effect is one of the great scientific challenges of our time. Using waste CO2 (as an alternative carbon feedstock) and transforming it into value-added chemicals, also known as Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), has the potential to address this challenge. This will result in new business opportunities for the chemical industry. With the support of CATALISTI, the Flemish Government recently provided a significant boost to establish a technology platform for CCU by funding three

B4Plastics is a young technology company that designs, develops and distributes new ecological plastics. The polymeric materials are designed to fulfill application criteria. They make use of established or novel building blocks to result in novel backbones. That way, a new balance between functionality, cost and ecology is offered in the resulting materials.   A one-man business With a background in corporate chemical industry, and having inventarised a wide spectrum of scientific possibilities for “greening plastics”, the time was mature to create B4plastics: help partners and customers to green their plastics products and practices. Grown from a “one-man business” at

Marleen Ramakers, a chemist at the PLASMANT research group of the University of Antwerp, is developing a method to convert waste gases such as carbon dioxide into useful fuels. She is awarded the Eos Pipet, an award for most promising scienteist, for her research. The verdict of the jury: 'Marleen Ramakers has built a reactor that can lead to a usable application for the sustainable storage of energy. The step between the lab and industry is small. Marleen already made several important contributions to science at a young age. ' Read the full article on the Eos website (in Dutch):

In July 2017, the Flemish government has launched an EFRO-call for the “Support of spreading technologies with the purpose of valorization and commercialization” within its Cluster policy. After an application and evaluation process, four projects from our cluster were approved and granted. In the first project, LignoValue Pilot, VITO and its partners Jacobs België NV and VMH will construct a pilot line (TRL 5-6, production capacity of ± 200 kg/day) for the conversion of wood/lignin into biobased aromatics. This will allow the production of larger amounts of these biobased aromatics, as such allowing companies to take further steps in their

In 33 jaar tijd heeft de familie Boels haar onderneming van een eenmanszaak tot een bedrijvengroep met bijna 200 medewerkers uitgebouwd. Ze hebben inmiddels 7 nichebedrijven in hun portfolio, allemaal KMO’s die zich één voor één profileren als specialisten in het zoeken naar een op maat gemaakte industriële oplossing voor de klant. Om dit alles duidelijk te profileren naar de buitenwereld werd gekozen om onder één verschijningsbeeld in de markt te treden, duidelijk aangevend dat alle activiteiten verder onder de Lybover koepel ontwikkeld worden. “Met onze Lybover groep willen we extra opportuniteiten creëren en nieuwe medewerkers aantrekken”, aldus Hans en

The focus of this call is on projects aimed at pilot scale or demo activities that are carried out at the level of an individual company or within a collaboration between two or more companies. This means that sufficient maturity is available at the start of the project (eg proof of concept on a smaller scale) but that no commercial rollout is possible yet. More information: Catalisti members can get free guidance and support from Catalisti, please contact

Vlaanderen Circulair launches two project calls to support innovative and valuable projects. CALL 1: Circular purchasing These subsidies are intended for those who have registered as purchasers or supporting parties in the Green Deal Circular Purchasing. Cooperation between partners of the Green Deal is also possible. CALL 2: Circulair city and entrepeneurship These subsidies are intended for (the partnerships of) local authorities, companies, research institutions, organizations and citizens. We encourage collaborations with other parties in the value chain (from producer to consumer and back). more information:

Als de circulaire economie ergens haar oorsprong vindt, dan wel in de chemiesector. Dat zegt Saskia Walraedt, kersvers directeur van essenscia PolyMatters. “We willen gangmaker zijn voor de omslag naar een kringloopeconomie.” Anne Vandenbosch en Pascale Martello | 17 april 2018 ©Basf “De manier waarop chemiebedrijven de nevenstroom van de ene productie-installatie inzetten als grondstof voor een andere, is circulaire economie avant la lettre”, zegt essenscia. De moeder van alle industrieën, zo wordt de chemiesector weleens genoemd. Niet onterecht, want heel wat sectoren zijn afhankelijk van bouwstenen die uit de chemie- en kunststoffensector komen. En ook hun duurzaamheid wordt erdoor bepaald.

Via e-tendering zoekt VLAIO 2 interclustermanagers om de samenwerking tussen verschillende speerpuntclusters te versterken. VLAIO zoekt samen met de speerpuntclusters en de transitieprioriteiten Circulaire Economie, Industrie 4.0 en Energie, 2 interclustermanagers. Deze managers richten zich op het realiseren van samenwerking tussen twee of meerdere speerpuntclusters binnen deze transitiedomeinen. Tijdens de looptijd van de opdracht ontwikkelen zij een methodiek voor het detecteren en ontwikkelen van deze samenwerking zodat deze ook op de langere termijn voortgezet kan worden. Ondertussen identificeren en realiseren zij ook concrete samenwerkingsopportuniteiten tussen de leden van de verschillende clusters. De aankondiging van de opdracht is hier elektronisch beschikbaar. Voor