CAPTURE is a finalist for the Regiostars 2019 – your support needed

We can no longer let precious resources like water, CO2 and plastics go to waste. We must capture them for the circular economy and keep them in the loop for re-use. The CAPTURE initiative will do exactly that by literally bringing together scientists from many fields, allowing them to work with local, regional and national governments/industries. CAPTURE is the catalyst needed to make our relation with the planet more sustainable. CAPTURE is where innovation meets society meets industry.
The CAPTURE initiative was launched in 2015 at Ghent University to find solutions for efficient waste treatment and resource recovery, with the aim of turning Flanders into a circular economy.
They are a one-stop-shop for industry and government, offering integrated solutions from waste to resource to final application. To this end, they are building new building that will double as a research centre and accelerator, where spin-off companies can work.

To find out more click here