Education 4.0

Living lab Industry 4.0: Education 4.0.


‘Living lab Industry 4.0: Education 4.0’ aims to stimulate the transition of chemical companies towards Industry 4.0 by creating success stories and best practices that can be shared with other companies. More specifically, ‘Education 4.0’ will demonstrate and validate advanced learning techniques in new  education and training methods, designed for chemical employees. Technological developments are rapid and numerous, however rarely implemented in new methods for education and training by companies in the chemical and process industries.

Ensuring a high-quality workforce is crucial to maintaining industry and employment in our region. Industry 4.0 makes it possible to develop better, more efficient learning methods that can be organized individually. In the living lab, a number of promising techniques are demonstrated through collective sessions and workshops. In addition the living lab supports companies in working out concrete cases based on these new methods.

Project details

Project type
Innovation Programme
Proces Intensification and Transformation
Project status
Approved on
Project date
€429 960
€343 968