Suschem 2017 Stakeholder event

(Past Event)
08/06/2017 15:07

Brussels , Belgium

The SusChem Stakeholder Event is the most influential annual event held by the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem).


Dear Stakeholder,

The countdown to SusChem 2017 Stakeholder Event is on! Seats are filling up quickly and time is running out to register. Secure your spot now. The theme of this year’s event is Accelerating innovation and impact in Europe: Shaping expectations and priorities for the next EU Framework Programme, which will be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Brussels on 8 June 2017.

This year’s stakeholder event is happening at a critical moment and presents an important opportunity for stakeholders to voice their expectations and priorities for the next EU funding programme.

Stakeholder input is essential in determining the game changing technologies, such as Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), which will be absolutely essential for addressing key societal challenges identified by the European Commission. In light of the upcoming discussion on the next EU Framework funding programme, it is especially important for our stakeholders to indicate which sustainable chemistry technologies should be put on the forefront of the agenda.

This year’s event will be focusing on a number of exciting activities and present important new developments for the SusChem community including:

three interactive parallel breakout sessions (download details)
– a panel debate with special emphasis on needs and expectations of the chemical sector towards the next Framework Programme
– an update from SusChem National Technology Platforms
– opportunities to network with peers, industry leaders, EU officials and many more!

We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels in June.

Read more here


Crowne Plaza,Brussels