Project SENSOR: Sensor platform for on-line monitoring.


Over the last few decades, biosensors have had a huge impact on analytical technology and have been increasingly employed for the direct, real-time and label-free detection of chemical and biological analytes. Biosensor technology is seen as a powerful alternative to conventional analytical tools, because they are highly sensitive, offer high specificity, are easy to use and enable rapid and real-time detection. The objective of the envisioned project is to make a proof-of-concept bio-sensor to detect certain chemical components in relevant aqueous solutions.

This project investigates the potential of MIP technology for the development of an on-line SENSOR-platform. Through functionalisation, the solution is adapted to specific sector-related needs, with a special focus on micropollutants with primary target molecules perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) and ethinyl estradiol (EE2). The ambition is to (1) enable a reliable sensing methodology with high sensitivity and selectivity (2) robust and stable, independent of environmental factors and (3) providing an economical viable solution for numerous industrial applications.

Project details

Project type
Innovation Programme
Proces Intensification and Transformation
Project status
Approved on
Project date
€1 839 968
€1 312 490