32nd CORNET call for SMEs now open


To benefit non-research-intensive SMEs, Flanders is participating in the 32nd CORNET call through VLAIO's TETRA and COOCK aid instruments. The call has no thematic limitations and is open till 29 September 2021.

What is CORNET?

The CORNET programme provides funding for innovation projects that strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs through international cooperation. Participation in CORNET projects allows SMEs and research organisations to build up an international network and to benefit from knowhow and resources that might not be available in their country or region.

Participation requirements

Interested companies should join hands in a consortium that consists of at least two partners from two different countries. The participating countries/regions in this particular call are: Austria, Brazil, Flanders, Germany, Japan, Peru, Poland, Québec, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey and Wallonia. The applicant should be an association (see VLAIO's TETRA or COOCK requirements). Per partner, an SME user committee needs to be established that includes a minimum number of SMEs. The project also has to have a research component executed by a research institute.

Please note that applicants are strictly advised to consult with VLAIO at an early stage during the preparation of their proposals in order to ensure compliance with the conditions of the TETRA or COOCK aid instruments.


The 32nd CORNET call has no thematic limitations. All project proposals that meet the conditions of the TETRA or COOCK aid instruments can be submitted.


Deadline for submission of project proposals to VLAIO is 29 September 2021.


Visit the VLAIO website for more information about this call, or contact catalyst Johan De Houwer (jdehouweratcatalisti.be (jdehouwer[at]catalisti[dot]be)).