VLAIO launches IraSME call for SMEs


To strengthen the competitiveness of Flemish SMEs, Flanders is participating in the 28th IraSME call through VLAIO's Ontwikkelingsproject aid instrument. The call has no thematic limitations and is open till 29 September 2021.

What is IraSME?

The IraSME programme provides funding for innovation projects that strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs through international cooperation. The programme supports, amongst others, R&D with significant technical risks including the development of new products, processes or technical services (from the first idea to a possible prototype).

Participation requirements

Interested companies should join hands in a consortium that consists of at least two SMEs from two different countries. The participating countries/regions in this particular call are: Alberta (Canada), Brazil, Flanders, Germany, Luxembourg, Russia, Turkey and Wallonia. Projects with a Walloon and a Flemish partner need an additional third partner from another country. Cooperation with knowledge institutes is possible, but not obligatory.

Please note that applicants are strictly advised to consult with VLAIO at an early stage during the preparation of their proposals in order to ensure compliance with the conditions of VLAIO's Ontwikkelingsprojecten.


The 28th IraSME call has no thematic limitations. All project proposals that meet the conditions of VLAIO's Ontwikkelingsprojecten can be submitted.


Deadline for submission of project proposals to VLAIO is 29 September 2021.


Visit the VLAIO website for more information about this call, or contact catalyst Johan De Houwer (jdehouweratcatalisti.be (jdehouwer[at]catalisti[dot]be)).