Janssen Pharmaceutica and InOpSys Golden Award winners


InOpSys and Janssen Pharmaceutica won a Golden Award at the Belgian Business Awards for the Environment.

The Belgian Business Awards for the Environment reward small and big companies for their effort and commitment to sustainable development. These awards, which are handed out every two years, put companies in the spotlight who have managed to combine economic activities and care for the environment thanks to green innovations.

This year, the Golden Award went to the Plant-On-A-Truck project (recovery and re-use of raw materials) of InOpSys and Janssen Pharmaceutica on the one hand, and to the Circular Economy Project of Janssen Pharmaceutica and De Neef Chemical Processing on the other hand.

The award ceremony took place yesterday March 12 at 4 p.m. at VBO in Brussels. None other than Kris Peeters (Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Labour, Economic Affairs and Consumers) and Marie-Christine Marghem (Minister of Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development) handed out the awards to the, by an independent jury selected, winners.

 Marie-Christine Marghem: “Who chooses a sustainable company today, is taking care of the future. The future of our children and of our companies. Tomorrow you will make the real difference.”

 Kris Peeters: "The implementation of sustainable economy is a long-term operation. It takes a lot of conviction, ambition, perseverance, and good examples who deserve to be followed.”