Imec Technology Forum 2018


The Imec Technology Forum Belgium (23-24 May, 2018 in Antwerp) is the international conference on nano and digital technology. This year's theme: New perspectives make the impossible possible.

The Imec Technology Forum Belgium (23-24 May, 2018 in Antwerp) is the international conference on nano and digital technology. This year's theme: New perspectives make the impossible possible. Experience how the combination of nanotech and digital technology makes the impossible possible.

See things from a new perspective:

  • 60 presentations by top experts from industry and imec
  • 8 detailed perspectives on specific technology domains
  • 55 live demos on new technologies and applications
  • Networking with 1,800 national and international leaders from the ICT world

Curious about what the future holds for you? View the full programme and register now at