CropExplore for Farmers 

In het CropExplore for Farmers project wordt het potentieel van meer dan 200 akkerbouwgewassen binnen de Vlaamse bio-economie in kaart gebracht met deder, yacon en hennep als demonstratiecases. 

Waarom dit project? 

Stel: je wil als teler inzetten op gewasdiversificatie door een nieuw gewas aan je rotatie toe te voegen. Maar hoe beslis je welk gewas dit wordt? En wat is het meest geschikte ras om mee aan de slag te gaan? Ook vanuit de verwerkende industrie is er door de huidige crisissen een duidelijke noodzaak om te werken met duurzamere grondstoffen, te kiezen voor een ‘zero-waste’-productie en om de afhankelijkheid van het buitenland te beperken. Maar welke grondstoffen hebben dan het grootste potentieel? 

Tot op vandaag is het niet gemakkelijk om deze vragen te beantwoorden. De kennis over nieuwe teelten die een potentieel hebben binnen de Vlaamse bio-economie is namelijk sterk gefragmenteerd en nergens in één oogopslag waar te nemen. Dit maakt het heel moeilijk voor telers om twee potentiële gewassen met elkaar te vergelijken en de juiste keuze te maken, maar ook voor de voedingsindustrie en andere sectoren om de juiste opportuniteiten te vinden. 


CropExplore for Farmers (CEF) is een landbouw (LA)-traject en bovendien een sectoroverschrijdend (intercluster) project met als doel landbouwers te inspireren en te stimuleren om nieuwe gewassen te telen die een potentieel hebben binnen de Vlaamse bio-economie.  

Concreet willen we dit doel bereiken door: 

  • Een kennismatrix op te stellen met daarin teelttechnische eigenschappen, opbrengsten, arealen, inhoudsstoffen en afzetmogelijkheden van minstens 200 bekende en minder bekende akkerbouwgewassen met potentieel binnen de Vlaamse bio-economie. 
  • De kennismatrix te vertalen naar een handig te gebruiken online tool die enerzijds telers zal toelaten om gewassen onderling te vergelijken op basis van bepaalde economische of ecologische criteria en die anderzijds een inspiratiebron zal zijn voor productinnovaties in de verwerkende industrie. 
  • Drie demonstratiecases uit te werken rond deder, yacon en hennep waarin meer specifiek: 
  • De teelttechniek (onkruidbeheersing, rassenkeuze en mengteelt) van deder op praktijkschaal zal uitgetest worden en de toepassingen van dederolie en -perskoek onderzocht zullen worden. 
  • De teelt van yacon op grote schaal zal geoptimaliseerd worden op gebied van plantgoed en mechanisatie. En de bewaring en verwerking tot halffabricaten op labo-en pilootschaal uitgetest zullen worden. 
  • De afzetmogelijkheden en rendabiliteit van hennep geoptimaliseerd zal worden door te focussen op de valorisatie van de henneptoppen en -scheven. 
  • Het contact en de kennisuitwisseling tussen telers en verwerkers te faciliteren. 

Doelgroep en resultaten 

Landbouwers vormen de primaire doelgroep van het CropExplore for Farmers project. Meer specifiek gaat het hier over akkerbouwbedrijven actief in de gangbare of biologische teelt. 

Dit project is ook relevant voor de verwerkende industrie en dit uit verschillende sectoren binnen de bio-economie. Door de teelt van nieuwe grondstoffen te stimuleren kan de verwerkende industrie meer inzetten op productinnovaties met lokaal geteelde grondstoffen. Vandaar dat bedrijven binnen de Vlaamse voedings- en drankenindustrie en de chemie- en kunststoffensector ook tot de doelgroep van dit project behoren. 

Project Details
Project type: Intercluster – LA
Approved on: 15/12/2022
Duration: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
Total budget: €936.198
Subsidy: €842.578
Project Partners
Flanders’ FOOD beheert en coördineert het project. De uitvoering is in handen van Boerenbond, Catalisti, HoGent, ILVO, Inagro, KU Leuven, Praktijkpunt Landbouw Vlaams-Brabant, Provinciaal Proefcentrum voor de Groenteteelt (PCG) en VIVES.

Vlaams Bio-economie Label
Het stimuleren van speerpuntclusters is één van de acties in het Vlaams beleidsplan bio-economie, dat gefinancierd wordt uit het relanceplan ‘Vlaamse Veerkracht’. Speerpuntclusters zijn immers goed geplaatst om economische en maatschappelijke doelstellingen te realiseren in samenwerking tussen kenniscentra, bedrijven en overheid. Met deze middelen geeft de Vlaamse regering een extra impuls door (inter)clusterprojecten tussen de onderzoekswereld en verschillende private sectoren te ondersteunen. Deze clusterprojecten moeten betrekking hebben op het hergebruik of omzetten van biomassa en biologisch afval tot bruikbare materialen en producten, en vallen binnen één of meer van de thema’s gedefinieerd in het beleidsplan bio-economie.

Het project CropExplore for Farmers is gestart op 01/01/2023 en loopt nog tot 31/02/2025 (projectduur 3 jaar). Tot die tijd is deelname mogelijk (mits betaling).

Vragen over dit project? Neem contact op met catalyst Bert Boekaerts ( of Aron Deneyer (


sustainable PROduction of bio-based Multi-reactive ISocyanates 

PROMIS will help the chemicals and materials industries in the production of more sustainable polyurethanes (PUs). Using inventive organic chemistry and catalysis, novel bio-based PU building blocks, called isocyanates, will be designed. As a result, current challenges in polyurethane industry will be addressed through closely interlinked valorisation goals. 

New bio-based isocyanates 

Currently, commercially available isocyanates originate from petroleum resources and are thus non-renewable. To replace these petrochemical isocyanates, PROMIS will investigate the design of new or “lookalike” bio-based isocyanates originating from biomass sources. Their molecular structure and chemical reactivity will be compared to the commercial benchmarks, identifying their potential as drop-ins or superior substitutes. PROMIS aims at the production of these new bio-based structures with distinct reactivities and/or extra beneficial properties (e.g. oxidative & UV stability and/or reduced (eco)toxicity).  

Safe and sustainable polyurethane production 

Polyurethane materials are made from the chemical reaction between isocyanate and polyol building blocks. PROMIS will focus on improved PU sustainability in several ways. First, the bio-based content of the isocyanate building blocks will be increased by starting their production from biomass resources such as lignin and carbohydrates. Crucially, the PROMIS project will select those lignocellulose biomass streams that will not compete with the food or feed industry. Furthermore, the project will identify those synthesis methods that generate the least amount of waste and involve reagents with minimal risks to the environment and human health. In particular, current commercial petrochemical isocyanate production requires phosgene, which is a highly toxic chemical reagent. In PROMIS, alternative and more sustainable isocyanate synthesis methods will be developed, removing the need for phosgene entirely.  

Intercluster project 

In the search for new bio-based building blocks for renewable PU materials, PROMIS creates an interface between the chemistry and materials domains. Therefore, PROMIS is set up as intercluster strategic basic research supported by the Flemish chemistry and materials innovation spearhead clusters, Catalisti and SIM respectively. 

Flemish Bioeconomy Label 

In the framework of the Flemish government’s policy plan for the bioeconomy, PROMIS was awarded the Bioeconomy Label by VLAIO. Financed through the recovery plan ‘Vlaamse Veerkracht’, the policy plan for the bioeconomy seeks, amongst others, to stimulate spearhead clusters like Catalisti and support their collaborative innovation projects. PROMIS is awarded the Bioeconomy label, as it matches one or more of the focus themes identified by the policy plan, including the conversion of biomass into useable materials and products. 

Project Details
Project type: Intercluster – cSBO
Approved on: 15/12/2022
Duration: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
Total budget: €1.480.879
Subsidy: €1.480.879
Project Partners

Questions about this project? Please contact catalyst Bert Boekaerts (


DEpolymerisation of hydrolysis LIgnin for Conversion to Acrylic REsins 

The DELICARE project maximally exploits the potential of hydrolysis lignin (HL) as a sustainable source of reactive bio-aromatic compounds. Using a catalytic depolymerization we target  applications in acrylic resins. DELICARE will link upstream HL producers and downstream acrylic resins and polymer stakeholders, resulting in an optimized value chain, new economic opportunities and new synergetic partnerships. 

Lignin: a biomass source of aromatics 

Lignin and especially depolymerized lignin are considered to be a valuable bio-based alternative for the replacement of aromatics in many applications. In particular, HL, an underexploited side product from second generation biorefineries, has high potential in terms of cost and availability. However, its detailed analytical characterization and solubilization to enable efficient depolymerization remains challenging, usually due to high carbohydrate content. Therefore, DELICARE will expand the current lignin characterization methods to HLs and make HLs available for new applications through suitable solubilization and lignin pre-treatment strategies.  

Continuous depolymerization and innovative 3D-shaped catalyst

To enhance the production efficiency of lignin-based bio-aromatic building blocks, the shift from a batch to a continuous depolymerization process based on heterogeneous catalysis provides a unique opportunity. To go from batch to continuous operation, shaped catalysts and accessible catalyst structures are needed. Therefore, DELICARE will develop novel catalytic materials that are perfectly tuned for continuous depolymerization of HL via innovative 3D printing techniques. Multi-scale modelling will guide the catalyst development by predicting their performance at optimal operating conditions. 

Acrylics as bulk materials and high-value additives 

Applications of acrylic resins range from paints and coatings to adhesives, inks, packaging materials and personal care products. Unfortunately, only a limited number of bio-based commercially available acrylic products exist. In DELICARE, HL oil-derived acrylics will be developed as bulk polymer matrix for curable thermosetting resins and for high value tailor-made thermoplastic polyacrylates with strong anti-oxidative properties. 

Intercluster project 

As the bio-based compounds will be used in various material applications (coatings, resins, …), and the innovative catalysts will be synthesized via 3D printing, this innovation project is situated at the interface between the chemistry and materials domains. Therefore, DELICARE is set up as intercluster strategic basic research supported by the Flemish chemistry and materials innovation spearhead clusters, Catalisti and SIM respectively. 

Flemish Bioeconomy Label 

In the framework of the Flemish government’s policy plan for the bioeconomy, DELICARE was awarded the Bioeconomy Label by VLAIO, as it matches one or more of the focus themes identified by the policy plan, including the conversion of biomass into useable materials and products. Financed through the recovery plan ‘Vlaamse Veerkracht’, the policy plan for the bioeconomy seeks, amongst others, to stimulate spearhead clusters like Catalisti and support their collaborative innovation projects.  

Project Details
Project type: Intercluster – cSBO
Approved on: 15/12/2022
Duration: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
Total budget: €1.499.242
Subsidy: €1.499.242
Project Partners

Questions about this project? Please contact catalyst Bert Boekaerts (


Towards sustainable solutions for better malodor elimination 

ODORETION researches and develops technology paths to remediate and prevent malodors in bedrooms, bathrooms and toilets. A research platform with modular methodologies will form a solid basis for identifying the most effective biological and chemical technologies. On top of that, ODORETION aims to be more sustainable than the typically used toxic and less environmentally friendly strategies.  

The importance of indoor air quality 

The world health organization (WHO) lists indoor air quality as one of the most dangerous health threats. Indoor air contains more and even higher concentrations of pollutants than outdoor air. Moreover, people in industrialized countries spend up to 90% of their time indoors. Bad indoor air contains toxic and malodorous compounds, impacting health and quality of life. These compounds originate from living organisms and the release of chemicals related to the production process and/or usage of materials in-house. Several technologies are already available to neutralize these malodors, but unfortunately major drawbacks are still associated with these solutions (e.g. energy-intensive washing steps during production, low durability, extra unsustainable production steps, additional health risks or high cost). With the ODORETION project, we want to improve indoor air quality and the comfort of living in a novel, sustainable and nature-based manner. 

Sustainable and effective technologies 

The main challenge is to eliminate the smell of a complex mixture of volatile organic compounds quickly and carefully. Effective technologies to eliminate and prevent unwanted odors, and thus improve indoor air quality in a sustainable way, are urgently needed. Innovative solutions to tackle malodors can significantly impact good air quality, improving performance, health, and well-being. A central and ground-breaking innovation in the proposed ODORETION project is to identify and process suitable beneficial bacterial strains that can biodegrade and eliminate malodorous compounds and, as such, promote air quality. Plants will be enriched with these beneficial bacteria towards malodor metabolization, and other complementary technologies and methods will also be co-developed. 

Application domains 

The project will deliver proofs of concept that translate into technological building blocks for application across industry sectors. ODORETION schedules demonstrators for finishes of mattress covers and protectors that are less smelling, toilet rim blocks, botanical biofiltration units, and sprays for removing malodors in toilets and bathrooms. 

Project Details
Project type: ICON
Approved on: 15/12/2022
Duration: 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2025
Total budget: €3.664.345
Subsidy: €2.528.208
Project Partners
The ODORETION consortium consists of four well-established industrial partners (BekaertDeslee, Procter&Gamble, Milliken, and Breezo), one research institute (VITO) and two academic partners (UAntwerpen and UGent). The partners have complementary know-how and skills to create a new value chain with sustainable solutions for malodor elimination.

Questions about this project? Please contact catalyst Bert Boekaerts (